Life on Florida’s West Coast

Online Tutoring

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When I was doing my practicum in various local schools, one thing I heard over and over was that the amount of homework assigned was overwhelming for some students. Although I heard it in all grade levels, it was often most shocking to hear it from the younger kids in elementary school.

While some of the students never batted an eyelash at the work they were expected to complete from home, others seemed particularly bogged down. When I would inquire further, it was usually the students who were struggling in one subject or another (usually math) and who had parents who either did not have enough time to help them with homework help in that subject or who did not have the expertise themselves to guide their child through the subject matter.

While most colleges and universities offer free tutoring services, students in lower grades will often need to find a tutor in a private setting. Doing so can often mean the difference between continuing to struggle and finally overcoming their academic obstacles. If you just cannot seem to grasp the concepts of algebra, for example, the value of working with someone who not only understands the subject, but also sees it in a different way than you do can be priceless.

One cool thing about the advent of the internet is that online tutoring is now an option. There are several reputable services available and by seeking tutoring online, you will often find the costs are more reasonable. For example, the site offers unlimited tutoring for $99 a month. They were just featured on NBC’s Today show, so they are actually running a special where the first month is $49.

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