Life on Florida’s West Coast

And so, the frustration continues…

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It has now been two weeks since the person hosting my first two blogs pulled one of my blog offline and slapped me with a two week suspension. Actually, by the calendar, it has been two weeks and a day, but I just wait for two Fridays past the ban.

I wrote the individual late this morning. No reply, of course. Despite her insistence to her mother that she has replied promptly to each of my e-mails, nothing has hit either my inbox or my junk filters. Of course, you would expect her own mother to believe her. I’m a mom so I get that. Nonetheless, it’s a naughty thing to fib to your own mother.

And so, my Plus1 blog is still down and my rejections for paid work are still rolling in. It’s a sad, sick commentary on the reality of using fee hosting for a blog or website.

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Comment by Pfunk
2007-09-14 20:09:01

Any way you slice it, it’s been two weeks.
If she said that she was ‘banning’ you for two weeks she should stand by that, but frankly she didn’t show much integrity to begin with, so how can you expect to find it from her now?

Comment by Jenn
2007-09-16 12:29:30

Sorry to see the plus1 site is still down.
But I’ll read your blog here. Are you able to
build the same kind of sponsorships here without
the tyrannical overseer? Seems like even if she
gives you back your site eventually, you’d want
to find a new hosting home.

Note: Comments here have big white space gaps in their display, at least for me. Any way to fix that?

Comment by Angie
2007-09-16 14:18:33

Hmmm…, I had noticed that before I installed this threaded comments feature. I use Opera. I will have to test the site with some other browsers.

I have great potential for sponsorship on this blog, thankfully. I hate to lose what Plus1 and GirlyThings1 were bringing in, but in a few months I should be able to do OK with One Clear Dot and Girly Things 2, the new blkogs.

I sure wish you blogged. Your comments are some of the best I get.

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