Use Your Webcam to Monitor Your Home
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I’ve been asked to give a fair and impartial review of a service called Home Camera. I will say up front that I find the product exciting and from here on out, I will simply just fill you in on the concept and the features. I’m interested in making this as informative as possible.
Home Camera is a free Internet home surveillance camera system. Using Home Camera is as simple as download the free software, entering your home camera user ID and connecting. Then, no matter where you are in the world, you can logon to the internet (using a PC, a PDA, or a mobile phone) and take a look at what your webcam is seeing in your home. Home Camera event supports motion detection and time-lapse recording. You just use the webcam you already own. There is no need to purchase new equipment. In fact, you can connect up to four webcams to the system.
The service is 100% while Home Camera is in beta. It’s a win-win situation for everyone. We get free use of a cool system. They get lots of new users to give the system a whirl and report any bugs that might pop up in the software.
I like the idea of having an easy to use system that will also me to use equipment I already own to monitor my home. It’s perfect to use as a “nanny cam” or even just to aim at your front door while you are gone to make sure nobody is trying to get in. Maybe you have problems with your neighbors letting their dog use your yard to do its business. Just aim you r cam out the window and into the yard.
You can even go about your day and let Home Camera send you alerts when the motion detection system is triggered. Set your account to record videos or snapshots using your webcam and you can store all of the information on Home Camera’s servers for up to one month.
You have nothing to lose in testing out the Home Camera service, especially while it is in Beta and costs you nothing. In fact, people who sigh up early in the Beta will receive special pricing once the fee structure does go into place.
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