Life on Florida’s West Coast

Updates and the like

Earlier I chronicled my woes with my other two blogs. Oh, indeed the drama ensues. It’s almost fantastical in nature.

Someone helped me out by digging up a cached copy of the offending post on my Plus1. I posted it to public forums just so people can see I was on the up and up about what had actually been said. In response to an accusation that I had sent nasty e-mails to the gal who was hosting the blogs, I also posted the entire contents of both messages I sent her. I’ve still to receive a reply fro this person.

In the meantime, I am out hundreds of dollars in income. Karma is a real thing. It always pay to be nice to people and give others as much of the benefit of the doubt as humanly possible. Snap judgments usually tend to come back and kick you in the end.

So, my message to you is twofold:

1. If you blog or have a website, have your Own hosting
2. Think before you act and always give people the benefit of the doubt.

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