Life on Florida’s West Coast

Jumping on the DIY Trend

The need to remodel
I’ve lived in newer, updated homes for a long time. Now I am in an older home that is in perfectly good repair, but could absolutely use some updating to make it more attractive. In the current housing market, there is no need to sell this house. It is solid and sits on the biggest lot in a well-placed neighborhood. The outside is charming and tidy. The garage is bigger than most. You see my point, I’m sure. Why move when I can just update?

Why pay someone else?
Now, I am a lot of thing and two of those things are frugal and adventurous. I want to put in hardwood floors, change out the kitchen cabinets, and update the bathrooms. And, I want to make my very best effort to do it myself. I will pay a professional if it comes down to it, but I see no reason not to try my hand at remodeling first. I’ll save a boatload of cash and I’ll be learning new skills.

Do It Yourself
At this juncture, I have never actually done any remodeling on my won. I have painted and hung pictures, but that’s about it. That is why I am quite literally salivating as I read For example, there is an article on installing hardwood floors that is informational. Of course, if you are more visual (like me) you’ll probably really dig the instructional DVD you can buy that walks you through the process. I’m also engrossed in their series of article on faux painting techniques. That’s right up my alley and probably the best place to start. I can get to the more difficult projects like cabinets and replacing a toilet later.

If the whole DIY trend is your thing, Visit for more and buy the DVD.

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