Life on Florida’s West Coast

I love my GPS

The first time I ever used a GPS system in a car was back when we had the Toyota Pathfinder. I can’t even describe to you how quickly something like a GPS becomes part of your daily driving. When the lease was up on the Pathfinder, we ought a van and it did not have a GPS. Right before my ex-husband left, he bought a Dodge Charger with a GPS and I was, I will admit, jealous of that one feature.

A GPS is absolutely invaluable when you are traveling. In fact, I think it almost comes in handier when you are driving to an appointment in a part of town that you are not familiar with or finding your way to someone’s house for the first time. GPS systems are not perfect and they will often take you a slightly longer or more complicated way, but they ALWAYS get you there.

So, instead of trading in my perfectly good cars for new ones just to get a GPS system, I got a TomTom handheld GPS. In a word: it rocks.

Over at they say their biggest demographic for GPS systems is the male 45 and older group. I am not sure who they are asking, but this 35+ mommy is the biggest fan I know. I talk about my TomTom all of the time. If I could get a commission on every unit I have talked someone into buying in the past year, I could afford to take one heck of a vacation.

Think about it, ladies. You are driving with three loud kids strapped into the backseat. One insists they have to stop and pee right NOW. You are in a part of town you are not familiar with. Instead of getting all worked up and flustered and possibly even lost, you just tap the screen of the GPS and bring up the closet gas station. Talk about a sigh of relief.

There are quite literally hundreds of products to look at when you are shopping for a GPS. If you are like me, you will probably find the product reviews, buying guides, and product selector over at TigerGPS very helpful.

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Comment by Shebe
2007-08-29 15:18:38

I am the same way with my TomTom! I tell everyone about it because it has saved me so many times! I have the ONE XL and just like you think it rocks!

Comment by Lisa
2007-08-29 22:15:44

I so need one of these. I have no sense of direction and end up having to call Bill every time I get lost which is quite a bit.

Comment by Pfunk
2007-08-30 03:33:40

I’ve never understood the need for these things.
Plus, I don’t want somebody being able to track ME down.
Sorta creeps me out, sorry.

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