Life on Florida’s West Coast

More Toys Recalled

I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand why the co-owner of the company in China that supplied the lead painted tainted toys to Fisher-Price killed himself over the weekend. I understand on an intellectual level that in China there is the concept of honor and ending your life to save face and spare your family/business/etc. I’ve read about women who are raped during wars killing themselves in China for reasons of honor. It’s just that on an emotional level and as a Westerner, I cannot connect to the understanding of this concept.

Today Mattel (who is the parent company of Fisher-Price) is issuing a recall for over 9 million toys, including characters like Batman, Barbie, Polly Pockets and a toy from Pixar’s “Cars” movie. They say there are small magnets on the toys that can come loose and be swallowed.

The toys being recalled are those that were manufactured after procedural changes were made to ensure more secure fastening of the magnets.

Although Americans have not lost faith in the main companies of Mattel and Fisher Price, the idea of buying further products that have been manufactured in China is becoming a frightening prospect. I’ve worked for an American manufacturing company before and I know the headaches that Chinese imports cause, because they are often impossible to underbid in price. Quality, though, is almost always sacrificed and I think that this is becoming more and more evident to the consumers in our country.

Bring manufacturing back to the United States. Americans deserve to have more access to products that were made here using our high manufacturing standards.

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