Couey Is Not Retarded
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A judge ruled yesterday that John Evander Couey is not mentally retarded and can be sentences to death for the brutal rape and murder of 9-year-old Jessica Marie “Jessie” Lunsford. A jury ommended 10-2 that Couey die.
Did anyone ever really beleive deep down in their souls that this man was retarded? He was playing a gane with the courts, but all it did was delay the inevitable. His lawyers brought him to court with a coloring book and crayons, as though that was going to make him look like he was mentally handicapped. It made the lawyers look pretty silly, but all it did for me is make me sneer even more often at the pathetic Couey.
As a mother, I live in a level of fear that one day a sick and evil human will harm my sweet daughter. It will be my pleaseure to see Couey removed from our earth.
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