Plagiarism in our schools
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Technology and the internet are miraculous things when it comes to the world of education. Unfortunately, it’s also opened up innumerable new doors to the act of plagiarism. Not only are there scores of companies selling entire term papers that students can purchase to use “as their own”, but the countless articles, journals and full texts available online make it so easy to copy wholesale entire sections of published works.
That’s why as a teacher I’ve found it increasingly daunting to always be able to recognize and track down plagiarized work. Believe it or not, it happens regularly, in large and small ways. I’m thrilled when I find tools I can use to make my job easier and sites like is one of the most innovative.
Plagiarism is in our schools whether we like it or not. It always has been. I just happen to think that the temptation to submit non-original work is stronger than ever. The pressure is on for students to make better and better grades. The university system is increasingly more competitive. The future job market is frightening. Students sometimes turn to desperate measures. As a teacher, I want to be able to root out plagiarism not so I can humiliate a student, but so that I can work with them as early as possible to give them the confidence they need in their own work.
iPlagiarismCheck’s software, which is fully online so there is no need to download anything, allows you to submit documents and then sit back and wait for their program to do the work. They instantly check the internet for blogs, directories, cache, PDFs, and articles etc all over the web. They also scan a library of hard and soft printed books, articles, and journals. And, if that isn’t enough, they also use an algorithm to check sentence structures and word-synonyms to determine subtle attempts at plagiarism.
I’m floored. The hours of work iPlagiarismCheck can potentially save me means more time I can spend with my daughter, more time I can spend on lesson plans and more time to relax in a bubble bath
Plagiarism does not have to be as obvious as copying papers or paragraphs. It can also be using ideas and concepts without properly attributing and citing them. That’s why the whole idea of the software being able to recognize phrasing that could be suspect is probably my favorite part of this tool.
Anyway, I urge you to check out the site and take a look at the sample report. – Click here to visit us today!
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