I’m not new to blogging, but…
I can always use good tips. As a former journalist, I know the value of using simple language and short paragraphs. But, one thing I have been neglecting when I blog is the overall readability of the post. I don’t mean if I made the text comprehendible. I mean, when the blog visitor looks at my post, do they stop and tread it or move on because it looks like too much of a chore?
Sometimes even the basics hit me with great poignancy. I was just reading Nate Whitehill’s blog (which I love) and he had an article on 5 Ways to Make Your Posts More Readable. It’s all about breaking things up and giving the reader small, visual chunks of information.
Look for me to give it my best shot to implement his 5 tips.
That’s what I’ve been trying to do in my beginning blogging series. I wanted to give new readers just enough not to overwhelm them. Great post, I’ll have to check out Nate’s blog next.
That was a great link, thanks!
I used to never talk on my blog. lol Well, I had other content.
Thanks for the link. I’ll be checking it out…I feel like my posts are not that great right now.
btw, came here on the Do Follow train!
Great link – I just checked it out.
I completely agree with #1 (as well as the others) – I’ve come across a really great ‘mommy blog’ with all sorts of fabulous tips and info, but each post is novel sized, and it turns me off right away.
Thanks for the info!
Great tips. I would surely remember that in setting up my posts and the appearance of my blog.
Yours is done quite nicely.
Hi Angie! Thank you for visiting my site at http://sasha.akoni.info and leaving great comments. I truly appreciate it!
About breaking posts to make it more readable… that’s what I’m trying to do now. Make everything a bit shorter. If I can’t help it, I will start using that “more” tag.
Happy weekend! I’m blogging from the Philippines
And if it’s ok, I would love to exchange links with you so I can visit often
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This is a great link. I just went and visited Nate’s blog. It surely is a great tips! Thanks for sharing.
Great info! If I can offer my two cents in relation to your blog:
Your content is fantastic! However, the overall site design runs together and uses dull colors that don’t intrigue the visitor. I had a little trouble figuring out when a post ended and when a new one began on the homepage when scrolling through it quick. I would try picking out a new theme with more vibrant colors to grasp the readers attention, and an exciting header that relates to your blogs content (I can make you one for free if you would like, just email me at ben@benjamincass.com).
Those are just a few suggestions! Keep the good posts rollin’ in!
Thanks for the tips, Ben. I may eventually take you up on that! I had a lot of trouble finding a clean template and agree that I may have erred on the side of too clean
I know a unique header would absolutely make this whole blog look more vibrant.